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baercoil thread repair kits and workshop kits

Update Terakhir
02 / 09 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Set


Pengembangan indokita teknik ; Pengembangan ini untuk mempermudah pelayanan pembelian part.

his development is to facilitate the purchase of service parts, machines and accesories. Our customer is always a priority in business development efforts.we giving a cost compatible price with the other.

Detail Baercoil Thread Repair Kits And Workshop Kits

Tools set
jual bearcoil thread repair kits and workshop kits "oil drain plug"
- Thread Repair of damaged or worn-out threads
- Recovery of rejected items
- Thread Armour Plating. For material with low shear
strenght eg. aluminium alloys and magnesium alloys.
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